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Ole Scheeren Reveals Hotel Design in the Philippines


Büro Ole Scheeren has unveiled its design for a hotel resort in Cebu, one of the most popular destinations in the Philippines. Taking inspiration from the island’s natural landscape and traditional architecture, the project brings together lush greenery, pools and waterfalls within a volume wrapped in arches reminiscent of local structures. The design team describes the project as “a journey through the rainforest”, where architecture, interior design and landscape converge into a multi-sensory experience.

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The design features an open-air lobby framed by arched colonnades and cascading waterfalls. The various terraces and water basins create different gathering areas, while a series of piers extend into the ocean. Emerging from this new topography is a concave volume featuring a lattice of arches that protrude and recess to form balconies and floating pools. The arches and curves of the facade are reiterated in the interiors designed by Ole Scheeren, which reference the atmosphere of bungalows.

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Courtesy of Büro Ole Scheeren

The architecture echoes memories of past cultures, embeds them in a new setting: Notions of local craftsmanship merge with modern technologies, the façade unfolds a playful three-dimensional grid of arched picture-frames, each containing a personal and intimate view of the ocean. With its vertical colonnades and hanging gardens, the building grows into the sky like a long-lost tropical village - Ole Scheeren

The project makes use of local construction practices and materials, thus highlighting local craftmanship and artisan practice. The project also incorporates passive energy-saving strategies by capitalizing on natural ventilation through open corridors dotted by pocket gardens that ensure cross ventilation of all interior spaces. In addition, water conservation systems create biotopes throughout the project’s waterscapes.

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Courtesy of Büro Ole Scheeren

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Cite: Andreea Cutieru. "Ole Scheeren Reveals Hotel Design in the Philippines" 28 Jul 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed 28 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

Courtesy of Büro Ole Scheeren


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